This is my space to share my quest to collect as many broken branches as I can in my fractured family tree which resembles a bramble bush more then a proper tree. As I go forward in this blogging journey I hope to share how I have searched far & wide for family - with no regard for where they come from or if I should really want them.
You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family you know!

Friday, September 27, 2024

X4 Great Grandpa ~ Solomon Bayes

 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks 2024: Week 39 (HOMESTEAD)

I decided to look for the homestead of my Bayes relatives in Campbellford, Ontario. 

According to the 1861 census my 4th great grandparents (with their 12 children were living at "Haldimand, Northumberland, Canada West".

Solomon Bayes
Birth 26 NOV 1815 • Hunworth, Norfolk, , England
Death 25 OCT 1882 • Northumberland, , Ontario, Canada
Mary Ann Tuck
Birth 15 JAN 1823 • Sharrington, Norfolk, England
Death 28 JAN 1908 • Cramahe, Northumberland County, Ontario, Canada

Their children on the census were: James, Martha, Solomon, William George, Edward, Emily, Adelaine, Deanah, Rebecca, and Celia. Mary Ann. Rufus, Georgina, and Henrietta were born after 1861.

I then began looking for where exactly they lived, but was not able to pinpoint an actual address.

The census notes they lived in a one story log house, and only their family lived in it. The 1861 census didn't ask if they owned or rented their home that I could find.

I looked at Library & Archives Canada, but was not able to find a land grant for them listed searching by:
- last name Bayes & Bays
- first name Solomon (with a variation of the last name)
- Haldimand Township (with a variation of the name)

I then looked at follow-up census, and was still not able to identify exactly where.

BUT ....

all was not lost

I decided to search for the history of Campbellford, and discovered the local library's archives and historical socities.

I now have many digital sources to look further for my family history.

Learning more about my Bayes ancestors.

My great grandfather, Ernest Elmer Bayes who was known as Hap
Great grandma Rose Honor (nee Dendy) Bayes
Grandma Amy, and her brother Fred

Still looking for the family homestead!!! 

This is why I search - 

Cause ... 

You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family you know!

***Any errors are my own. Please send me any updates or corrections via the comments at the bottom of this blog post***




Amy Johnson Crow, 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge

If you reference or use my blog posts in any way please
include a link to the specific blog and
My blogs are ©Deborah Buchner, 2014 forward.
All rights reserved.
Please & Thank you!


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Dragonflies ~ A Symbol of Love

 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks 2024: Week 38 (SYMBOL)

After the stepfather who raised me passed away in 2010 my mom was positive he was visiting her in the form of dragonflies.

About 6 months after he died they held a memorial at his favourite fishing lake for a small group of friends. 

During the memorial the bottle of Fireball came out along with shot glasses. 

Whenever dad went fishing Fireball was brought out to give thanks for the fish they had just caught OR to encourage fish to bite if they hadn't caught anything. 

When a shot glass was placed on a rock for dad at the lakeside memorial a dragonfly immediately landed on the edge. 

That dragonfly stayed throughout the entire memorial, and appeared to be listening to all the stories being shared.

From that moment on mom looked at dragonflies very differently.

Before mom died in 2015 she told me she would visit me as a dragonfly, and that when I saw 2 together it would be her and dad. 

From that moment I looked at dragonflies differently.

Me with my parents

In 2021 I had my nose pierced in memory of my mom, and got a dragonfly.

More about that story at this link
Making Memories ~ A Nose Piercing For My Birthday

When a dragonfly is a symbol of childhood love!!! 

This is why I search - 

Cause ... 

You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family you know!

***Any errors are my own. Please send me any updates or corrections via the comments at the bottom of this blog post***




Amy Johnson Crow, 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge

If you reference or use my blog posts in any way please
include a link to the specific blog and
My blogs are ©Deborah Buchner, 2014 forward.
All rights reserved.
Please & Thank you!


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Caretaking Online Memorials ~ Find a Grave

 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks 2024: Week 37 (TOMBSTONE)

In May 2023 I wrote about the surprise of finding my grandfather on Find a Grave with minimal information & no connection to my grandma. 

At the time I wrote:
"I do not know who took the photo or who manages grandpa's page. 
At first I was a bit surprised. 
The more I thought about it I realized it's okay. 
Find A Grave is a genealogy source. 
This is a genealogical record of my grandfather."

The whole blog can be found here: Clyde Robertson ~ Find A Grave

In May 2024 I decided that I should be the manager of grandpa's page, and requested transfer. The creator of his page promptly passed it over to me. I have added photos and his story to his memorial page.

I created a page for Grandma, and linked the two of them.

While I was looking around Find a Grave I discovered other relatives whose pages were being managed by non-relatives. 

I requested transfer of 12 memorials, and all but 4 were transferred promptly. 

I have now sent 3 requests (May, August, September) with no success for those 4. 

These 4 memorial are my: stepfather who raised me, my aunt, my 1st cousin, and my grandfather. The person who created these pages is my grandfather's 2nd wife (divorced) very distant cousin. 

The last message notified that I will reach out to Find a Grave for assistance if I don't hear back within a week. 

Find a Grave has a process for when memorials are not transferred to family members who request. 

"If the memorial in question is a relative to you (within our transfer guidelines) and the memorial manager is not family, then they must transfer the memorial.

  • Memorials are transferred for relatives with these close relationships: child, spouse/partner, sibling, parent, grandchild, great-grandchild, grandparent, great-grandparent, niece/nephew, great-niece/nephew, aunt/uncle, great-aunt/uncle, or first cousin. This would include adoptive, step and in-law versions of these relationships.

If two members are related within these guidelines and both would like to manage the memorial, the member with the closer relationship should be given management." 1

In the Genealogy world Find a Grave is a bit troubling. 

Anyone can put up memorials for anyone. 

Sometimes they are put up long before family members are ready for the public postings of their loved ones.

Finding my loved ones there was startling. 

Had I never become a part of 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks I may not have decided to collect my family's memorials. 

When I posted my May 2023 blog the organizer of the challenge (Amy Johnson Crowe) suggested I create a memorial for my grandmother and connect the 2. 

It took me a year, but that is exactly what I did. 

Then immediately I began requesting the transfer of family members.

At first I struggled with whether I should I be the manager of these family members.

Then I decided it shouldn't be strangers.

The page is already out there so I can hold space until a closer family member wishes to manage their loved one's memorial page.

Caretaking online memorials for loved one!!! 

This is why I search - 

Cause ... 

You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family you know!

***Any errors are my own. Please send me any updates or corrections via the comments at the bottom of this blog post***


1  Request to Manage. Find A Grave. Retrieved September 11th 2024 from


Buchnerhouse. Find a Grave. Retrieved September 11th 2024 from


Amy Johnson Crow, 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge

If you reference or use my blog posts in any way please
include a link to the specific blog and
My blogs are ©Deborah Buchner, 2014 forward.
All rights reserved.
Please & Thank you!


Thursday, September 5, 2024

Facing Management Effectively ~ Changing Our Dinner Hour Forever

 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks 2024: Week 36 (WE DON'T TALK ABOUT IT)

At first I was thinking that I didn't want to write about this week's prompt because I haven't dug up any new skeletons for quite a while, and didn't have the capacity to start digging. 

I then considered reposting an old skeleton, but thought where's the fun in that. 

Then I considered not writing at all, but decided that didn't fit for me because I committed to myself that I would write weekly.

Then I decided to write about Labour Day, and the Labour Movement. 

We have unions to thank for many of the protections found across the unionized and non-unionized workforce. 

Without unions I believe we would still be working too many days a week without many of the protections we see across all sectors.

Chris and I have had the privilege of belonging to a union for a lot of our adult lives. 

Chris got very involved in his union. 

He held many positions in his many years with the union.

Until he was promoted to management 2 1/2 years ago.

I'm not sure he sees the humour in my regular comments that he joined the dark side.

It was about that same time he left the union that I became involved in my union.

We don't talk about our different sides of the Labour/Management table.

Just kidding ... we talk about it a lot!!!

In fact I have plans to take a Facing Management Effectively course, and change our dinner hour forever.

Until then we don't talk about it!!! 

This is why I search - 

Cause ... 

You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family you know!

***Any errors are my own. Please send me any updates or corrections via the comments at the bottom of this blog post***




Amy Johnson Crow, 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge

If you reference or use my blog posts in any way please
include a link to the specific blog and
My blogs are ©Deborah Buchner, 2014 forward.
All rights reserved.
Please & Thank you!
