This is my space to share my quest to collect as many broken branches as I can in my fractured family tree which resembles a bramble bush more then a proper tree. As I go forward in this blogging journey I hope to share how I have searched far & wide for family - with no regard for where they come from or if I should really want them.
You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family you know!

Thursday, August 15, 2024

It's a Dog's Life ~ Going to the Farm

 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks 2024: Week 33 (FAVOURITE DISCOVERY)

It's a dog's life .... that is what they tell me, but I don't understand what that means because this is the only life I know.

They tell me I was 6 months old when I arrived to this home with comfy couches and snuggles after being in a scary place. 

They say they are foster failures, but I don't think they failed at anything. 

Let me introduce myself. 

I am Tori Lynne Buchner.

The tattoo in my ear says I was found on the highway between Abbotsford & Mission, and I was all alone. 

No one came to find me.

I don't remember any of  that.

Who I was before doesn't matter. 

I am now the princess...

& have a pretty good life.

Last month I turned 13, and I heard my parents say that's old.

They also said that is why I am in so much pain, but lately it's not been so bad, 

I think it's because of the treats I get twice a day they call pill pockets.

Not too long ago my human parents started talking about taking me to the farm.

WHAT..... I heard about 'the farm' at that scary place before I was brought home.

Dogs talk you know.

Mom said we needed to have a trial run.

Dad hooked some weird contraction around my hips saying it would help us get me into the car. 

I think he did it wrong because that didn't help at all.

I wasn't sure where we were going on this 'trial run'.

Dad forgot my leash so he used the hip thing around my neck. 

I am pretty sure he doesn't know how to use it at all.

When we got out of the car there was lots of people and it smelled good.

Mom said it was waffle cones that smelled so good, and I was getting a treat. 

I do like treats.

I love ice cream, and there was a dog cookie in that cup too! 

After the ice cream we got back in the car to go home.

Dad wasn't much help with the hip thing, but it was nice he tried.

I like trial runs a lot.

I'm pretty sure they changed their mind about the 'the farm'.

Later (days, weeks, hours, ummmm I don't know time) the suitcases came upstairs, and my parents were packing. 

Normally when my family gets into the car with their suitcases Grandpa comes to stay with me and we have so much fun.

Grandpa & I sit on the couch, watch tv, have snacks, and he tells me what a good girl I am. 

He also tells me how pretty I am, and that I have a perfect button nose.

I was looking forward to seeing grandpa when I noticed they were putting my stuff in a bag.

Then dad was putting the hip thing on me, and we were both confused about how it was supposed to work. 

I was looking forward to more ice cream when I realized Dad was driving the wrong way.

Then he said we were going to the farm.

Wait ... I thought we changed our mind about 'the farm'.

I'm wasn't sure where we were going, but it took a long time.

I looked out the window watching all the trees on the side of the road. 

I watched very carefully for a long time, and then laid down when I got tired.

We stopped for dad to pee, but I was just too busy sniffing and sniffing that I forgot to pee.

Back in the car, and dad's skills with the hip thing were no better. 

The view out the window was just lots more trees so I went back to sleep.

But then we stopped for lunch.

I love hamburgers!

There was lots of really great pee spots in that area.

I may have even smelled a dog from my neighbourhood.

Finally the car slowed down, and drove through a gate.

They opened the car, and let me out. 

It was beautiful.

Mom and Dad said we were in Naramata, and it was so nice to be near the lake but not in the lake, water ick. 

I think the hot dry air made my sore hips feel better. 

There was a very big yard for me to explore.

Chickens to try to make friends with.

It made me sad that they wouldn't play with me.

They just kept running away when I tried to say hello.

The very big dogs they said were horses scared me so I stayed away from them. 

Next we went into the house, and I was allowed to be everywhere.

I found my spot....

Even the treats were just like home.

There was a family dinner, and dad brought the ham.

Everybody loves dad's ham.

We also had potato salad, corn on the cob, shrimp, pasta greek salad, and chicken. 

Everyone shared with me, and with 17 people I got to taste everything.  

Mom said I didn't need my kibble dinner because I had too many snacks, but I didn't think she was right. 

When it was time to go home Dad didn't even bother using the hip thing - this time he just gave me a butt boost and I was in the car faster than any of the other times. 

On the way home I slept the entire time. 

I was exhausted....

AND so glad to be home

I discovered that we didn't go to 'the farm'. 

We went to the family farm.

Family visits at the farm are the best!!! 

This is why I search - 

Cause ... 

You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family you know!

***Any errors are my own. Please send me any updates or corrections via the comments at the bottom of this blog post***




Amy Johnson Crow, 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge

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