This is my space to share my quest to collect as many broken branches as I can in my fractured family tree which resembles a bramble bush more then a proper tree. As I go forward in this blogging journey I hope to share how I have searched far & wide for family - with no regard for where they come from or if I should really want them.
You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family you know!

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Freedom ~ On the Open Water

 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks 2024: Week 30 (BOATS)

Looking through old photos for last week's prompt I found this gem.

I was in grade 7, and spent the May long weekend with a friend on their boat. 

This was my first time driving a boat.

No license was required in those days so my friend and I were permitted to drive the boat all weekend. 

I have no idea if I was any good at it, but I wasn't fearful. 

Fear of being responsible for vehicles in motion arrived sometime in my 20s.

We have a boat, but I never drive it because I don't have the required Canadian Boat License.

I suspect that is my excuse because I am afraid of being responsible for a moving object on the open water. 

Writing my blog this week reminded me that I had started to do the course to earn my boat license a few years ago.

I wondered if I would be allowed to finish it, or if my registration had expired. 

First I had to find the website I had enrolled via. 

Then I had to use the forgot username and password functions. 

Then I discovered I began this course 2 years ago. 

I had completed 60% before abandoning it. 

Did I let fear distract me?  

Looking at the picture I remember the freedom I felt driving that boat. 

If you look closely you can see I was chewing bubble gum & had just popped a bubble. 

I made a commitment to myself to finish the licensing course I started 2 years ago. 

I would like to re-discover the joy that I felt in that photo. 

I'm not sure if I will be allowed to just pick up where I had stopped, but my account has permitted me to just click next.

We shall see if I can just proceed to the end.

It might be I will need to pay again when I attempt the exam. 

We shall see if I am successful in earning my Canadian Boat License.

When your past motivates you for the present!!! 

This is why I search - 

Cause ... 

You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family you know!

***Any errors are my own. Please send me any updates or corrections via the comments at the bottom of this blog post***




Amy Johnson Crow, 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge

If you reference or use my blog posts in any way please
include a link to the specific blog and
My blogs are ©Deborah Buchner, 2014 forward.
All rights reserved.
Please & Thank you!


Thursday, July 18, 2024

Freedom ~ My 1st Car

 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks 2024: Week 29 (AUTOMOBILES)

When I first got my license I was allowed to drive my parents car, but only on the days my brothers needed to go into town. 

We lived out of town so my parents were delighted to have another driver in the family. 

I drove whichever brother needed a ride to wherever they were going, and could do what I wanted until I had to return to pick them up. 

Doing whatever I wanted involved cruising up and down Baker Street in Nelson, British Columbia. 

That was where I waved to my peers who were cruising the same streets. 

Sometimes we would stop for coffee, but mostly we just drove to the end of the several block street & then turned around to go the other way. 

Thinking back to those trips with my 2 younger brothers I wonder what my parents were thinking. 

Nelson's roads are straight up and straight down.

I turned 16 in October in the days before graduated licensing. 

I was just given the keys and off I went as a brand new driver with my 2 siblings in the car up and down steep icy streets.

What were they thinking?

When Chris and I raised our kids they didn't understand why we were so freaked out by the idea of them going in vehicles with new drivers. 

Chris turned 16 in July of the same year I did in the Rocky Mountain area of Alberta - his experiences were exactly like mine, BUT he also saw the evidence of inexperience as a Paramedic. 

Our poor children were allowed none of the freedoms their parents had.

Now back to the story about MY car!

In the summer  of 1985 my parents gifted me the white Pinto pictured below. 

They paid $100.

When I look at this picture I see the rust along the driver's door 
           - I don't remember rust being there. 

In my mind my 1st car was perfect. 

I loved this car.

When friends told me the Pinto was prone to exploding if they were rear-ended I made sure to always watch my rearview mirror when stopped or any other time I might be rear-ended.

I'm not sure why the car shook and rocked when stopped at a stoplight, but the motion soothed me so I didn't worry about it. 

My car gave me my first taste of freedom.

I still lived at home so escaping without my brothers in tow was a delight. 

I had to pay for my own insurance and gas, but I had a job so this wasn't a problem.

The driver's door couldn't be closed from the inside. 

I would open the door, unroll the window, close the door, climb in the window, and close the window. 

It opened from the inside so a repeat performance wasn't needed. 

Wondering what the equivalency would be in 2024 I used an inflation calculator, and realized an equal spend today wouldn't get a running car. 

Then again if my parents hadn't bought the car from a friend of the family I don't think $100 bought any sort of car in 1985 either. 

When you remember your 1st taste of freedom!!! 

This is why I search - 

Cause ... 

You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family you know!

***Any errors are my own. Please send me any updates or corrections via the comments at the bottom of this blog post***


$100 in 1985 equivalency in 2024. Inflation Calculator Clipped, $100



Amy Johnson Crow, 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge

If you reference or use my blog posts in any way please
include a link to the specific blog and
My blogs are ©Deborah Buchner, 2014 forward.
All rights reserved.
Please & Thank you!


Sunday, July 14, 2024

Train Travel ~ British Home Children

 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks 2024: Week 28 (TRAINS)

The only train trip I have been on was in 2012 when we went on an Alaskan cruise. We traveled one way from Vancouver to Seward on a beautiful ship.  

We then took a train from Seward to Anchorage where we stayed the night before flying back to Vancouver. 

Train Car

View from the train

This was my first trip on a train. 

I loved it. 

Sadly traveling by train is too expensive to book for a vacation.

That wasn't always the case.

In the past train travel was affordable for the average person. 

As recently as 1977 it was affordable according to this interview from the CBC Archives - Via Rail. 

Train travel was cheaper than flying in 1977. 

Toronto to Montreal: 
$18.75 & 6 hrs 25 minutes by rail
$58.32 & 2.5 hours by air 

I recreated the trip with today's rates and discovered the train was $102.88 cheaper than flying. 

For both trips I chose the cheapest non-stop available. 

Toronto to Montreal on August 30th by train (5 hrs 18 mins), and flying (1 hr 22 mins) Montreal to Toronto on August 31st. 

Via Rail: $118.00
HST $15.34
Grand total - Canadian dollars: $133.34 Via Rail Toronto to Montreal

Air Canada: $140.00
Carrier surcharges - Canada: $16.00
Taxes, fees and charges Airport Improvement Fee - Canada: $40.00
Quebec Sales Tax - Canada - 1000043172 TQ1991: $20.49
Goods and Services Tax - Canada - 100092287 RT0001: $10.27
Air Travellers Security Charge - Canada: $9.46
Grand total - Canadian dollars: $236.22 Air Canada Montreal to Toronto 

Both bookings would have extra fees attached for baggage, seat selection, and food. Some of the extra charges would have been included items in the past. 

Whenever I have looked at train trips I have found them to be very expensive, but I have never looked for just a means of transportation. 

All of my queries for train travel have involved vacationing on the train with all inclusive type options. 

Our Alaskan train trip was Chris' 2nd time on the train. 

I had always wondered how his family had afforded the trip across Canada when he was a child. Listening to that interview I finally understood. 

Train travel itself is not the expense - it's the vacation type train trips that don't fit our travel budget at this time.

How exactly does this relate to genealogy?

This week I have been reading about a British Home Child by the name of  Winnie Cooper. The book, OUTSIDE THE GATE,  was written by Winnie's  granddaughter, Carol Marie Newall. 

Outside the Gate: The True Story of a British Home Child in Canada 
Barlow Book Publishing, Release Date: September 22, 2022  
Click this link for more information: Outside the Gate

As I was reading I got to thinking about  how important train travel was to those arriving in Canada, and this blog took form. 

Books like the one noted above are important for our current understanding of what happened to these youngsters sent to Canada from England. 

I made a suggestion for purchase to my library last February, and finally checked it out recently.

My reason for suggesting the library purchase it was because I wanted to read it, but also felt it an important book for others to find on their library bookshelf. 

Through no fault of their own these children lost everything they knew, and were sent away from their home country to a place that was very different. 

The personal shame these children took with them through life is heartbreaking.  

The scorn these youngsters received in their new homes and communities is shameful. 

Toronto Senator, Frederic Thomas Nicholls, had this to say about these youngster:

"August 7 1891:  
We beg to assure him (Dr. Barnardo) that whatever else he may do in his philantropic efforts to purify the slums of London and hoever good and reformed morally, his waifs may be, they are not wanted in Canada. He had better dispose of them elsewhere. 

"January 5 1894: 
We do object that Canada should be made a dumping ground for a class of humanity for whom we have no use and whose presence cannot but be a source of contamination to the rising generation of our country." 1

"April 1891
These waifs and strays are tainted and corrupt with moral slime and filth inherited from parents and surroundings of the most foul and disgusting character, and all the washing and clean clothes that Dr. Barnardo may bestow cannot possibly remove...There is no power whatever that can cleanse the lepers so as to fit them to become desirable citizens of Canada." 

How could these young children feel welcomed with messages like the above?  They were often separated from their siblings, and completely alone in a foreign country. The loss of relatives and family history was profound. 

"Over ten percent of the current Canadian population are descendants of the Home Children, although many are still unaware of their heritage." 2

I have read many marriage registrations where parents names are unknown with a notation of 'home child'. 

"That virtually all of the Home Children sent to Canada, alone and separated from others, as they were, have reacted to their fate the same way, withdrawing into themselves, and remaining silent about their past, "building a wall around themselves", as one Home Girl put it, is bitter and conclusive proof of the severity of their trauma. It is also sad evidence that the Child Migration Scheme, however well-intentioned, was seriously flawed."  - Dave Lorente of Home Children Canada,  2000" 

I have written about my 2nd great uncle and 2nd great aunt who were British Home Children sent to Canada under the Dr. Barnardo's Homes. You can read more about Alfred Augustus Baker &  Edith Jemima Baker in the links below.

Young children arrived to an orphanage in England, then were put on a boat to Canada, and then sent on a train across Canada. It must have been scary for those children of all ages to be riding the trains heading to places unknown. 

Many of those children would be too small to be left home alone by today's standards, and yet in the late 1800s and early 1900s they were put on boats and trains to travel all by themselves. 

"It wasn’t until 1924 that children under the age of 14 were discouraged from being sent. Even so, some young ones slipped through the cracks. In any case, the majority of children continued to be sent right up until the advent of the Second World War, after which heightened social consciousness condemned the sending of any more children to Canada in this way." 2

A few were adopted, but many were indentured servants. 

Their stories must be told. Check the sources below to learn more.

Hearing the stories of small children sent by themselves to Canada!!! 

This is why I search - 

Cause ... 

You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family you know!

***Any errors are my own. Please send me any updates or corrections via the comments at the bottom of this blog post***


1  The Canadian Manufacturer and Industrial World, Frederick Nicholls. British Home Children Canada. Retrieved July 14th 2024 from

Who Are the British Home Children. British Home Children in Canada. Retrieved July 14th 2024 from


Barnardo Avenue: The history of Peterborough’s home for immigrant children. Taylor Clysdale. The Peterborough Examiner. Originally published November 29th 2019. Retrieved July 14th 2024 from

British Home Children. Remembrance. Veterans Affairs Canada. 
Government of Canada.  Retrieved July 14th 2024

British Home Children: B.C. women reflect on shameful period in Canadian history. Paul Henderson. Victoria News. Originally published September  28th  2019. Retrieved July 14th 2024 from

Dr. Barnardo’s Homes. British Home Child Group International. Retrieved July 14th 2024 from

Home Children, 1869-1932. Library and Archives Canada. Government of Canada. Retrieved July 14th 2024 from

Home Children. CanGenealogy. Retrieved July 14th 2024 from

Home children. Library and Archives Canada. Government of Canada. Retrieved July 14th 2024 from

Home Children (Little Immigrants). Mary Janes. Lambton County Museums. Retrieved July 14th 2024 from

'It's like they never existed': Toronto monument will honour mistreated British Home Children. Mark Gollom. Originally published Oct 1st 2017. Updated 2nd 2017. Retrieved July 14th 2024 from

Outside the Gate. Carol Marie Newall. Retrieved July 14th 2024 from

Remembering British Home Children. Researchers: Julie McNevin, Education Programmer, Museum of Dufferin, Nicole Vani, Volunteer, Museum of Dufferin. Retrieved July 14th 2024 from

 A timeline of Barnardo’s and other child emigration programs. Katie Daubs, Feature WriterToronto Star. Originally published June 19th 2015. Retrieved July 14th 2024 from

Well-intended home children program brought many to Canada. Kristin Butcher. Campbell River Mirror. Originally published December 10th 2015. Retrieved July 14th 2024 from


Amy Johnson Crow, 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge

If you reference or use my blog posts in any way please
include a link to the specific blog and
My blogs are ©Deborah Buchner, 2014 forward.
All rights reserved.
Please & Thank you!


Thursday, July 4, 2024

When Your Captain Refuses to Speak ~ Staycationing

 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks 2024: Week 27 (PLANES)

We are on vacation this week, but sadly did not hear those magical words.... 'this is your Captain speaking' because we decided to staycation.

Had things been different I could have easily used this week's prompt to feature our vacation plans. BUT since we decided to stay home I was thinking there was no reason I couldn't just write my blog as usual. 

Then we started treating this vacation like a resort vacation, and I decided to feature our 'off resort excursion day'.

We are registered for the Great Cycle Challenge again this year (my 4th, Chris' 5th), and are in training for the August official rides. For this reason we decided to incorporate cycling into our day. Renting a 2 seater cycle cart at the Greater Vancouver Zoo seemed like an ideal way to spend the day.

The animals were active today. We thought it might be because it wasn't too hot & there was a light breeze.

At least one species finds knees that make a clicking sound to be a sign of strength & virility 🤣

Finding this area where conservation is taking place - priceless

The dinosaur area at the Zoo is coming along. The motion part of the dinosaurs is not yet functional, but the dinosaurs were fantastic to look at.

We have a stump in our front garden that could definitely be made into an adorable feature similar to this.

Strava recorded a 5.9 km ride that included 1.5 hrs of moving time over a 4 hour visit. 

We were shocked that we cycled almost 6 kms given how much time we spent off the bike.  

After our active day outside we were starved so headed to Olive Garden for dinner.

When you have an amazing vacation day!!! 

This is why I search - 

Cause ... 

You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family you know!

***Any errors are my own. Please send me any updates or corrections via the comments at the bottom of this blog post***


Great Cycle Challenge. Retrieved July 4th 2024 from

Greater Vancouver Zoo
. Retrieved July 4th 2024 from




Amy Johnson Crow, 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge

If you reference or use my blog posts in any way please
include a link to the specific blog and
My blogs are ©Deborah Buchner, 2014 forward.
All rights reserved.
Please & Thank you!
