This is my space to share my quest to collect as many broken branches as I can in my fractured family tree which resembles a bramble bush more then a proper tree. As I go forward in this blogging journey I hope to share how I have searched far & wide for family - with no regard for where they come from or if I should really want them.
You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family you know!

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

But What Did He Do? ~ Tracking the Dendy Line's Occupations

 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks 2024: Week 20 (TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS)

For this week's blog I decided I didn't know anything about the occupations of my Dendy relatives. 

My great grandmother Rose Honor (nee Dendy) Bayes was the first child born in Canada. She was born April 14th 1906 at R.M. of Pipestone, Bardal, Manitoba, Canada. 

Great Grandma Rose Honor (nee Dendy) Bayes in center
With Bayes sister-in-laws Ann & Vida

Her parents and 5 older siblings immigrated from England. One brother, Wilfrid James Dendy, died in 1903 at 22 months of age, and was buried in England. Including my great grandmother, 5 children were born in Canada. 

After arriving in Canada X2 great grandpa, William Herbert Dendy, became a farmer. It was on their farm my grandmother's unexpected home birth happened. In England he was a soldier prior to marriage. On his marriage registry he is a bricklayer. Where the census records in Canada record occupation he is recorded as a Farmer.

X3 great grandpa, William James Dendy, was a Coal & Corn Merchant as recorded in the 1861 census. He resided in Streatham, Surrey, England, United Kingdom with his wife (Honor nee Gunnell). This marriage has intrigued me since I first found their records: On their wedding day he was 18 and she was 26. It was a first marriage for them both, they had no children prior to marriage, and their first child was born 5 years after marriage. I still ponder the 8 year age difference in this couple.

X4 great grandpa, Daniel Dendy, was:
- a Gardener in the 1851 census
- a Road Contractor in the 1861 census
- a Farmer in the 1871 census
- Farmer continues in the 1881 census with more details
         *(Occupation: Farmer Of 160 Acres, Employing 3 Men & 1 Boy)
- a retired Farmer in the 1891 census
He died in 1893.
***after his first wife (my X4 great grandmother Mary nee Mitchell) died he married daughter-in-law Honor's sister (Christina Gunnell) and had 3 more children. 

I have only used occupation in the past to ensure the new document I am attaching is actually the same person. Going forward I will start looking at occupations as a means to understand who my people were, and where my story began.

Finding out how your ancestors made a living!!! 

This is why I search - 

Cause ... 

You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family you know!

***Any errors are my own. Please send me any updates or corrections via the comments at the bottom of this blog post***




Amy Johnson Crow, 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge

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