This is my space to share my quest to collect as many broken branches as I can in my fractured family tree which resembles a bramble bush more then a proper tree. As I go forward in this blogging journey I hope to share how I have searched far & wide for family - with no regard for where they come from or if I should really want them.
You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family you know!

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Saying Goodbye to 2024 ~ Looking Forward To 2025

 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks 2024: Week 52 (RESOLUTION)

I first created my SomehowRelated blog in 2014 with the plan to write monthly about our Bramble Bush family tree, and genealogy in general.

In the following 5 years I wrote exactly 4 blogs. 

In 2019 I hoped that joining #52Ancestors would help me develop a committed relationship to my blog for sharing my genealogy research. 

My resolution that year was to write 52 stories about 52 different ancestors.

I honestly didn't have much hope that I would write every week in that first year.

Moving from an uncommitted relationship to a committed relationship required me to figure out who my audience was.

First it was me: creating tangible evidence of what I spend my time & our money on.

Second it was my children: who right now aren't interested, but someday when I am no longer here to share it they might be.

Third is a future me: someone who is searching for where they fit in their own genealogical story, and find their ancestors in my stories.

In the past 6 years I have written 312 stories about our Bramble Bush & genealogy in general.

Remembering I only wrote 4 stories in the 5 years previously this is an amazing achievement that I am very proud of.

I am eternally grateful to Amy Johnson Crow & her 52Ancestorsin52Weeks Challenge.

If you would like to breath life into your ancestors - this challenge is for you.

If you would like to take your ancestors from names and dates on a page to real people who lived life - this challenge is for you.

You can sign up here:

You can choose the free version where you will receive the weekly prompts & instructions on how to share them with a supportive community on Facebook.

You can choose to pay just $47 for a whole year of excellent professional genealogical support for the weekly prompts which I think is a fantastic deal. 

When you sign up for the plus version you will also get the weekly prompts & instructions on how to share them with a supportive community on Facebook which is a fantastic resource too.

Bring your ancestors to life by writing about them.

Their voices are waiting to be heard.

As 2024 comes to an end I recommit to 2025's weekly stories about the ancestors who came before us.

From our house to yours Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!!! 

“Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!” 1 

This is why I search - 

Cause ... 

You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family you know!

***Any errors are my own. Please send me any updates or corrections via the comments at the bottom of this blog post***


1 A Visit from St. Nicholas. Moore, Clement Clarke. Source: The Random House Book of Poetry for Children (Random House Inc., 1983) Retrieved December 21st 2024 from




First Things First - Going Back to the Beginning of My Genealogy Blog. 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks: Week 1 (First). Originally published January 7, 2019. Retrieved December 21st 2024 from


Amy Johnson Crow, 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge

If you reference or use my blog posts in any way please
include a link to the specific blog and
My blogs are ©Deborah Buchner, 2014 forward.
All rights reserved.
Please & Thank you!


Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Absentee Landlords ~ 7 years In Scotland

 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks 2024: Week 51 (GOOD DEEDS)

I grew up hearing about how my great grandparents came to Canada from Scotland as newlyweds. They bought a house in Calgary, Alberta that they left in the care of tenants when they went back to Scotland to have their first child. 

Their daughter was born in May of 1914.

World War 1 broke out shortly thereafter, and the family stayed in Scotland until the war was over.

After the war they returned to Calgary, and moved back into their home that had been cared for by the tenants for the duration of the war.

This week I looked at records to see if I could figure out how much of this story was fact or lore.

I know both of their children were born in Scotland via records in Scotland.

Great Grandpa Thomas was in the Scottish Army - there are records.

The war ended in 1918, but the family didn't return until 1920.

I found the documentation for their departure from Glasgow on October 1st 1920, and arriving in Canada on October 11th 1920.

The first question I had was why they hadn't returned to Canada earlier.

I couldn't find the address enumerated in the 1916 census so can't confirm there was anyone living in the house at that time.

I know I was browsing the right documents because the same neighbours were there for the 1921 census with grandma and her family.

In thinking about GOOD DEEDS I began thinking about this tale. 

I can't confirm they were actually living there, but I do know my great grandparents left in late 1913 or early 1914, and the house was still standing when they returned in 1920.

Looking through today's lens of how the world operates the tenants did a very good deed in caring for the house in Calgary for about 7 years.

I was left wondering if the good deeds of the past could even exist in today's world.

I think the odds are low the house would still be standing, and ready for them to move back into if the same scenario were to occur today. 

My great grandparents with their 2 daughters lived at 923 5th Street Northwest, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Thomas Thomson
Birth 10 MAY 1880 • North Berwick, East Lothian, Scotland
Death 19 NOV 1940 • Kananaskis, Alberta, Canada
Elizabeth Young Slicer
Birth 4 AUG 1882 • North Berwick, East Lothian, Scotland
Death 24 JUN 1958 • Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada

The House In Calgary

When you spend hours searching, but are left with more questions than answers!!! 

This is why I search - 

Cause ... 

You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family you know!

***Any errors are my own. Please send me any updates or corrections via the comments at the bottom of this blog post***




Amy Johnson Crow, 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge

If you reference or use my blog posts in any way please
include a link to the specific blog and
My blogs are ©Deborah Buchner, 2014 forward.
All rights reserved.
Please & Thank you!


Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Such A Good Girl ~ Tori-Lynn

 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks 2024: Week 50 (CHOSEN FAMILY)

In 3 days it will be exactly 13 years since we received our first foster dog. 

Chris picked her up from the local shelter right after she had surgery.

He went alone because I was at work. 

That night as he headed out the door for his nightshift he told me she wasn't allowed anything to eat until the next day.

That evening mine and Tori's relationship was established when I shared popcorn with her.  

She realized I was the weakest link.

A few days later Chris stretched out on the couch with her on his chest & told her she would "never have to go back to that cold stone floor".

Over the short 13 years Tori was ours she was such a good girl.

She was smart, funny, and amazingly well behaved.

Chris was her master, and she almost always did exactly as he asked.

I was her friend, and she would sometimes do as I asked.

She was such a good girl that even when she didn't actually do what I asked it wasn't a problem.

She never begged for food because she knew she got the last bite of everything I ate. If I cut my sandwich in half she got two bits. She really did get the last bit of every item I ate.

She developed arthritis around the age of 12 that progressed fairly quickly.

On November 14th 2024 Tori crossed the rainbow bridge.

We miss her.

She was 13 1/2 years old when she died.

Not a day goes by that we don't think about her.

As I eat the last bite of my food I think of her.

When I get my bowl of popcorn I think of her.

When I drop food on the floor I think of her. 

When I put on dark clothing & don't need the lint brush I think of her.

We miss everything about her.

When you lose a part of your family!!! 

This is why I search - 

Cause ... 

You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family you know!

***Any errors are my own. Please send me any updates or corrections via the comments at the bottom of this blog post***




Amy Johnson Crow, 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge

If you reference or use my blog posts in any way please
include a link to the specific blog and
My blogs are ©Deborah Buchner, 2014 forward.
All rights reserved.
Please & Thank you!
